Nuclear regulatory authority
Úrad jadrového dozoru SR (Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic) is responsible for regulation of nuclear safety and the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic) for regulation of radiation protection.
Nuclear activities
There are four PWRs reactors in operation, two of them are located at Bohunice site (V-2) and two at Mochovce (EMO 1,2). Two reactors at the Bohunice site (V-1) have been definitively shut down, first unit in 2006 and second in 2008. At present, both reactors are in the second stage of decommissioning. One HWGCR (A-1) at the Bohunice site was shut down in 1977 after an accident and it is under decommissioning. Two PWR reactors are under construction at the Mochovce site.
Radioactive waste and spent fuel management
Activities within the radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management are implemented in following nuclear facilities:
- Technologies for Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Waste
- Interim Spent Fuel Storage
- Integral Radioactive Waste Storage
- Final Processing of Liquid Radioactive Waste
- National Radioactive Waste Repository
The Technologies for Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Waste are located at Bohunice site and consist of Bohunice Radioactive Waste Treatment Centre and bituminization facilities. In the Bohunice Radioactive Waste Treatment Centre radioactive wastes are sorted and processed in lines for fragmentation, concentration, cementation, super-compaction and for incineration.
The Interim Spent Fuel Storage is in operation at Bohunice site, where the project of storage capacity increasing and seismic improvement has been implemented.
The Integral Radioactive Waste Storage located at Bohunice site was built in order to ensure sufficient capacity for long-term or interim storage of radioactive waste generated from the decommissioning of nuclear installations.
The Final Processing of Liquid Radioactive Waste and the National Radioactive Waste Repository are situated in the locality nearby of nuclear power plant Mochovce.
Main legal instruments
Main legal instruments in effect in the Slovak Republic include: Act No. 541/2004 Coll. on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy (Atomic Act) and on changes and amendments to certain laws as amended; Act No. Act 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information, amending some other Acts; Act 205/2004 Coll. on Collecting, Keeping and Distributing Information on the Environment; Act No. 24/2006 Coll. on the Environmental Impact Assessment; Act No. 54/2015 Coll. on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and its Financial Coverage and on amendments to certain laws; Act No. 87/2018 Coll. on Radiation Protection and on the amendments and supplements to some acts; Act 308/2018 Coll. on the National Nuclear Fund and on the amendments and supplements to Act No. 541/2004 Coll. on the Peaceful use of nuclear energy (Atomic Act) and on the amendments and supplements to some acts as amended by later acts.
Other legal instruments in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy and more information on legal framework are available on the UJD SR website.
Last updated in February 2021