All institutions that contribute to in some way to regulating nuclear safety, at international, EU and national levels, are also committed to transparency. This means making different kinds of information available to the public: from general information on how a country manages the safety of its nuclear activities, to specific information, for example on plans for a proposed new power plant. By giving high priority to transparency, public involvement in nuclear issues is encouraged, for example through consultations and information campaigns. This in turn raises awareness of the work of regulators and supports public confidence in the safety of nuclear installations.
ENSREG is active in this area; one of ENSREG's three working groups is dedicated to improving the arrangements for transparency on matters of nuclear safety in the Member States.
ENSREG seeks to keep the public informed of its work through this website, public meetings on important topics and press releases.
Transparency on nuclear safety issues is divided into two areas of activity: public information and public participation.